How to Create a Blooket Question Set


1. Navigate to the Create Page by selecting the "Create" button



2. Add a title and brief description for your Question Set

Tip: Use descriptive terms like grade level, topic, skill, and standard


3. (Optional) You can also add a Cover Image to help you and other identify the Question Set



4. Decide whether you want your set to be Public (default) or Private


Public sets can be discovered by teachers and students. This also allows you to share a link to your set, allowing you to easily share them with fellow teachers, parents, and students.


Private sets are only visible to you, but can still be used to host live games for your class.


All of these settings can be changed after the set has been created


5. Select "Create"


6. Select "Add Question"


7. Add a question and corresponding answers


Be sure to select which answers are correct!


To create a True/False question, simply add 'True' to the Answer 1 and 'False' to Answer 2. The third and fourth answers are optional, so leave them blank.
We reccomend unchecking the 'Random Order' box for True/False Questions


8. Once you are done with your question click "Save" in the top right of the question box



7. Repeat steps 6-8 to add additional questions until your set is complete!


To learn about importing, merging, and modifying question sets, see our other guides: 


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