How to Import Questions from Quizlet into Blooket


If you have already created or discovered question sets in Quizlet, you can easily import them directly into Blooket with these steps.


1. Navigate to the Create Page by selecting the "Create" button



2. Add a Title and Description, select "Quizlet Import", then select "Create Your Set"


To import into an existing set: select the "Quizlet Import" option on the Set Edit page



3. Select "Your Quizlet" or "Search Quizlet" to find a Quizlet set that you wish to import. This will open a new tab and prompt you to log into your Quizlet account if you are not already logged in.

Once you have found a set you wish to import select "Next Step" in the original Blooket tab


4. Navigate back to Quizlet and click on the three dots located to the right of the set owner's name, then select "Export"



If you do not see an export option, you must first select "Save and edit" to copy the set to your account. Once copied, proceed from Step 4.
If you are unable to "Save and edit", the Quizlet set was likely created with Plus features and cannot be copied unless you also have Quizlet Plus.



5. In the export menu, leave the settings as default and select "Copy text"




You must export with the following settings:
Tab Between term and definition
New Line Between rows We recommend unchecking the 'Random Order' box for True/False Questions




6. Navigate back to Blooket and paste the text into the text box

7. Ensure the question formatting is correct

Once the text has been pasted, scroll to the top of the text. The information in the left column will be your answers, while the information in the right column will be your questions.


If you wish to flip your questions and answers, select the "Flip questions and answers" option.

In this example, if I wish for the multiplication math problem to be your question and the product to be your answer, then select the "Flip questions and answers" option. In most cases, you will leave this option unchecked.



Longer questions/answers might not appear in clean columns, but they will still import correctly

8. Once you are ready to add your questions, select "Add Questions"


Once imported, your question set will now contain the imported questions. You can edit your set in Blooket, or you can select "Save Set" if you are happy with it!

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