How to Host a Blooket Game

Trying to host a game right now?
To get started, find a set by visiting "My Sets" or "Discover"



Question sets are the building blocks for all Blooket games. You can browse the 20+ million question sets that have been created by other users or create your own set.


1. Once you have found a set you want to play with, click on it to open the set page



2. Select "Host"



3. Select a game mode

Currently, there are twelve game modes that can be hosted live:
Monster Brawl, Deceptive Dinos, Gold Quest, Crypto Hack, Fishing Frenzy, Blook Rush, Battle Royale, Tower Defense, Cafe, Factory, Racing, and Classic. 

Crazy Kingdom and Tower of Doom can only be played solo or assigned as Homework



4. After selecting a game mode, click "Host"



5. Set the time limit or goal fit your needs



  • Displays brief game instructions before the game starts

  • Allows students to join after the game has already begun

  • Generates random names for players. Leaving this setting disabled will allow students to enter their own names. We suggest that students use their real names to make after-game reports more helpful.

  • Disabling this option will hide account creation options from students (enabled is recommended)


6. Select "Host Now" when you are ready to begin



7. Instruct students to join the game with one of the following methods:

  • Visit and enter the 6-digit game code
  • Scan the QR code with their device camera
  • If you have copied and shared the Join Link, students can click on the link to join (great for virtual classes)



8. Once all of your students are in the game, click "Start" to begin playing


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