How to Play a Solo Game in Blooket

Question sets are the building blocks for all Blooket games (Solo and Live). You can browse the 20+ million question sets that have been created by other users or create your own set.

1. Once you have found a set you want to play with, click on it to open the set page



To get started quickly, jump into a Featured, Verified, or Popular set!



2. Select "Solo"



3. Select a game mode

Currently, there are seven game modes that can be played solo:

  • Tower Defense 2
  • Monster Brawl
  • Tower Defense
  • Cafe
  • Factory
  • Crazy Kingdom
  • Tower of Doom




4. Select "New Game" to start playing


Games like Tower of Doom, Cafe, Tower Defense (1&2), allow you to load games if you have a past game you have not completed yet.


Solo games are also used when completing homework— Learn more here!

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