Visit and select "Sign Up" to create a free account
You must be above 13 years old (or at least 16 outside the U.S.) to create a Blooket account, but no account is required to join live games
Live Gameplay
1. Join the game with one of the following methods:
A. Visit and enter the 6-digit game code
B. Scan the QR code with your device camera
C. Click on the Join Link shared by your teacher
2. Enter your Nickname or select a randomly generated name
3. Choose a Blook while you wait for the game to start
4. Have fun!
Bonus: You can play a secret game while waiting for the game to start 😉
Solo Gameplay: Homework
1. Click on homework link or scan the QR code shared by your teacher
2. Enter your Name and start playing!
Solo Gameplay: Independent
1. Find a question set to use in your game
Question sets are the building blocks for all Blooket games. You can browse the 20+ million question sets that have been created by other users or create your own set.
2. Use the search bar to search for a set
Tip: Use key terms like grade level, topic, skill, or standard to find exactly what you are looking for.
You can also narrow the search further using the search filter.
Or view Blooket Curriculum to browse sets organized by Subject and Grade
3. Click on the set to be taken to the set page
4. Select "Solo"
5. Select a game mode and press "Play"
6. Have fun!
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